covenant university · movie night

Movie Night 1: 2:22

Official movie poster:



Usespace CU organized a movie night for students on February 3rd, 2019. The movie screened was 2:22, and it was open for students and staff alike.


2:22 is a science fiction thriller movie about an air traffic controller named Dylan who, due to some anomaly surrounding the time 2:22, prevents an air accident and meets a lady named Sarah. Sarah and Dylan are engrossed in a mystery, and the film descends into a spiral where destinies are inexplicably linked, with potentially deadly consequences.

There was a nice turnout for the movie screening, and we had students across all levels. Tickets cost N500 (Only :)) and include a drink and a snack package.

Were you present for the movie night? Did you like the movie? Is there another movie you would like us to screen in CU? Please share your thoughts in the comment section!


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